Wednesday, February 27, 2013

God Things since Feb 2010

I’ve shared about the big God Thing – getting the job and having benefits; but God didn’t stop there! Here is a list of some of the other ways He made his presence known as MS changed my life.

·         My second to last MS speech was to a Christian group – it felt so good to be able to openly share faith in this otherwise secular setting – I opened with “I know that I am fearfully and wonderfully made!”

·         My sister-in-law is a teacher, and this all happened when she was off for the summer and able to take me to the various places (Social Security, DHS), and search for a new place for me to live since I lived on the 3rd floor of an apartment complex

·         When I applied for disability in 2003, I waited in a congested room for about 4 hours to see someone. This time the office was empty – we waited less than 5 minutes to be seen. We didn’t have to wait long at DHS, either.  Even now I am only good for about two hours when I’m out and about

·         The ideal apartment opened up in my complex – I can access my unit through the slider in the living room – no stairs! And that slider is only 12-15 feet from the driveway

·         Dear friends came over to help me pack – I loaded only one or two boxes with books, everything else was done by others

·        I needed to make a path from the road to my porch by the living room, and I was surprised to learn the “do it yourself” method would cost more than $300, and to have one poured by a company would be a lot more than that. It “just so happened” that my apartment complex had retained a concrete contractor for some other work. The day I learned the various costs, my mom saw the guys measuring existing sidewalks. She approached them and they “added” a strip of sidewalk for me at a fraction of the cost for all other options! 

·         A friend gifted me with a cat from a cool cat rescue place - his name is Remy and he's added to my life immeasurably! Here, he's borrowing an emory board to file his teeth

·       Remy had health problems, and the vet who owns the cat rescue place has covered his care at no cost for more than a year

·         I was approved for SSDI the first time out

·         My brother, a fine Christian man, had been planning for this occurrence for years, and was prepared to offer any support I need

Big needs or small, God had them covered in ways I couldn't imagine. Not that I was really surprised, considering the birth control pill thing. It is such a blessing to really say “Whom shall I fear?”

My challenge to you – look for the God things in your life – I promise you they’re there!