Monday, June 24, 2013

Multiple Sclerosis takes so much

Multiple Sclerosis takes so much from a person.

That is a truth. An angering, putrid truth.

For me, the goal is to overcome the anger and focus on what I can still do, do it to the best of my ability, and always ask God to make it the best it can be.

A second cousin of mine was recently married. When I learned of the impending ceremony, my first thought was about a gift, knowing how limited my funds are. There would be no way for me to afford a standard wedding gift like dishes or a setting of silverware, and that stung. Almost instantly I hit upon another idea – to embroider some kitchen towels and attach a note about her great-grandmother, who was my grandmother. Gran is the one who taught me how to embroider.

I found the same embroidery patterns that Gran had purchased for me way back when, and carefully selected the towels and the colors of the floss I’d use for the project. I could hear my grandmother’s coaching as I stitched, and, as I do with all needlework projects, prayed for the recipients throughout.

I saved writing the note for the end of the project. I knew I wanted to “set the scene” for how I learned this craft, and share some family history. The note really wrote itself – and I was pleasantly surprised by it. I’ve learned that feeling usually means God did more of the writing than I did.

I had set a deadline for the completion of my project so that it could be received before the wedding, and I was gentle on myself on the days the MS kept me from my task. I missed my deadline by a day or two, but the package went off in time.

The morning of her wedding, my cousin sent a Facebook message thanking me for the gift, noting that she would be framing the note I’d sent. She said it was her favorite gift so far! I was astonished that she would take the time on the morning of her wedding to send me a message! My gift had struck just the right note, binding us together in a way unlike any of her “registered for” gifts ever could have. It was truly a God Thing!

Yes, MS has stolen a lot from me. There are many, many days when my goal is to get out of bed, or get fully dressed, or to brush my teeth (I sit down for that, you know). But that’s not EVERY day, and I so enjoy the good days!

The important thing to remember is that, whether it’s a good day or another wretched day, I’m doing my best, God is with me, and He will make whatever I do immeasurably better than I could ever have done on my own. And that's true for everyone.


  1. I'm not surprised your cousin responded to warmly. Your writing is inspiring! Thanks for sharing - you gave me encouragement today when needed, Susan. Thanks for being so open.

  2. Thank you, Lynn, and I'm blessed to hear that I was encouraging to you!

  3. I love your attitude and your heart behind the precious gift you so thoughtfully and lovingly made for them. God is good, and although I've known that for quite some time now (11 years), it took me until these past 8 months of being diagnoses and relapses, etc - to REALLY know how GOOD God is. Going through this really makes you appreciate EVERY moment.

