Thursday, September 12, 2013

God is Moving!

I've been trying to create a new blog post for weeks and it's just not coming together. It is rare that I can't write, but whatever I put down seemed so trite and too me-focused, which has never been the goal for this venue. God has been so present with me especially in these past few years, that I want everyone who visits this site to give Him all the glory because of what they see here.  It's a challenge when every post is written in the first person.

But God's recent movement has me so excited!
And a little intimidated, because it feels so BIG. I met the head of women's studies for my church this summer, and in a very brief conversation we launched the idea for an Online Bible study for physically disabled or shut-in women, facilitated by a disabled woman (me)!

Women will be able to go online and watch each video when it’s right for them, answer the questions posed at the end of each, then post their thoughts or questions in a private forum through Google Groups.

I was of course worried if the MS would stand in the way, and went to God in prayer. Would I be able to do this in a way that would glorify Him? That Sunday, the sermon was titled "Costly Worship" based on 2 Samuel 24, when David insisted on paying for what he was going to give to God saying "I will not sacrifice to the Lord my God burnt offerings that cost me nothing." 2 Samuel 24:24. Well, meeting the requirements of facilitating a new study will cost me, physically, and that sermon gave me the resolve to do it no matter what!

If you (or someone you know) are physically limited or shut-in and want more info about participating, I just need your email address - so let me know in the comment section! We will start on October16th.

God is so good!



  1. You continue to amaze me and make me smile GF! I see Him clearly working through you! You are a perfect outreach and blessing for all MSer's and shut-ins. I hope to be added to your list of participants! Keep up the great work! <3

    1. Once I understood that this wasn't confined geographically, my first thought was "Maybe Catherine could join!"

  2. Susan, what a wonderful idea! You will be a great facilitator! I may very well come across people in my job who would like something like this, so I will be sure to let you know if there are any. God bless you as you strive to serve Him in the way He has planned for you! Hugs!

    1. Oh Debbie - wouldn't that be awesome! Please do let me know! Thank you for your encouragement!
